March 15, 2010

Review: The Paradox of Choice

I've had this book in my sidebar for quite some time now, and to be honest, I finished it a while ago and have read a couple others since. However, I would like to revisit it a little bit, because I think it has such value.
    What the book is about is how society today is being inundated with choice, from jeans to food to education to jobs, and while we view choice as a great thing, it can really be detrimental to our lives. When we have more than a few choices, we get confused, and then when we do decide, doubt enters our mind and we enjoy what we chose less.
This book feels personal to me because I've struggled a long time with too much choice.    think for me, choice puts me in a corner and so I don't make a move. Other times, I doubt my choices and feel bad about my decision.
     Looking professionally, I can see how this might impact our client's lives, too. On one side, we see people with very limited choices, but on the other hand, there are the people with a lot of choices that are simply unsatisfied. Also on the professional side, we have over 400 different types of therapies to pick and choose from in helping our clients. The phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none" comes to mind.
     All in all, this book we interesting, well written and informative. I would recommend it to anyone who reads here.


  1. Oh, I heard about a study based on this premise: when faced with too much choice, the ultimate choice ends up being indecision. This books sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. The current notion of 'choice' seems to me largely intended to drive consumerism and therefore capital accumulation by ensuring the commodification of everything! "You pays your money and you takes your choice". I don't want choice, I want good quality, universal service provision, regardless of background, income, status - whether that's health, housing, social care, education, rubbish collection or whatever - by properly paid, trained and respected workers. End of rant.

  3. There was this one part in the book that talked about this sample setup in a grocery store. On one table, they had samples for 30 types of chocolates. On the other there were samples for 6 types of chocolates. Of the people that ended up actually buying one of the choices, the people that bought from the table that had only 6 types were much more satisfied with their purchase!

    Maybe there's just much less to potentially regret with fewer choices?

  4. After reading this post and also the comments I think this book is very nice I think I should but one for my own collection.

    Thanks for that !


    School of social work student

  5. In the end if we're good counsellors we all make our own style.
